Welcome to Clear Blue Smiles

Clear Blue Smiles offers the first comprehensive orthodontist-monitored, virtual clear aligner treatment.

Get the smile you want conveniently without sacrificing the quality of your care.

“I had braces when I was younger and afterwards broke my retainer. As a result, I was constantly bothered by the way a few teeth looked. Clear Blue Smiles helped me achieve my dream smile that I have always wanted!” 

—Avery A.

We live between convenience and quality. Home treatment, while working with a licensed orthodontist.

Our team uses all evidence-based orthodontic technology to make sure our patients get the results they’ve always dreamed of without sacrificing quality and convenience.

venn diagram showing merge of convenience and quality

Get started for FREE

You do not need to buy an impression kit or any other starter items. Take our free Smile Assessment to determine if your smile can benefit from Clear Blue Smiles treatment.

no up-selling

no opaque structure

no surprise fees

One great fit knows another